“HOLY CRAP”    Where do we start?  Well, get ready...

1st -   Determine if the vibration started all of a sudden, has it came on gradually?

2Nd -  Determine if the vibration is “wheel speed” or faster. Is it a wobble, shake, buzz, etc.?

3Rd -  Is the vibration in the steering wheel or in the “seat”

4th -   Probably most important, is it intermittent, or constant?


      If you have a problem, or need help setting driveshaft angles, give us a call, or bring it in, we're here to help. Get all your ducks in a row. The more you can tell us, the better chance we have to find &  fix the problem. DON”T WAIT! The sooner the problem is fixed, the less likely there will be other related issues.


Thanks for listening,